====== Cath Domain PDB File: (DomPDB) ====== Cath Domain PDB (or DomPDB) files are text files that contain just the PDB ATOM records that correspond to the residues of a particular CATH domain. These are useful as they can provide the input for protein structure viewers to examine individual CATH domains, or by structure comparison algorithms to compare domains. [[http://data.cathdb.info/v3_2_0/dompdb/1cukA01]] ATOM 1 N MET 1 -7.750 -4.498 -20.265 1.00 21.82 ATOM 2 CA MET 1 -7.178 -5.177 -19.122 1.00 18.39 ATOM 3 C MET 1 -7.857 -4.686 -17.798 1.00 20.00 ATOM 4 O MET 1 -8.202 -5.472 -16.932 1.00 18.10 ...