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data:index [2011/01/20 20:22]
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-====== CATH Data ======+====== CATH Data Downloads ======
-This page provides links to CATH data files from each externally available release of the CATH database+This page provides information on the data files that are available to download from the [[ | CATH FTP site]].
-Alternatively, you can browse all the release files here:+See [[:index#cath_releases|CATH Releases]] for more information on CATH and CATH-Plus.
-[[]]+===== CATH (daily snapshot) =====
-You can also look at the [[../release_notes|release notes]] for more information on what happened in each release.+
-===== Page Notes =====+^ File name ^ Description ^ 
 +| cath-b-newest-all.gz | List the latest domain boundaries and superfamily (C.A.T.H) annotations for all CATH domains | 
 +| cath-b-newest-names.gz | Provides the names for each node in the CATH hierarchy |  
 +| cath-b-newest-latest-release.gz | List the latest domain boundaries and superfamily annotations for CATH domains in the most recent release of CATH-Plus | 
 +| cath-b-newest-putative.gz | List the latest domain boundaries and superfamily annotations for CATH domains released since the most release release of CATH-Plus | 
 +| cath-b-s35-newest.gz | List the latest domain boundaries and sequence family (C.A.T.H.S) annotations for all non-redundant sequence representatives | 
-  * //08-09-2008// Added links to the descriptions of file formats+===== CATH-Plus (full release) =====
-  * //03-09-2008// Added links to the HMM libraries and CATH Domain PDB libraries+
-  * //19-08-2008// Added links to the CDDF (CathDomainDescriptionFiles) +For information on the statistics for specific releases, see [[../release_notes|release notes]].
-   +
-  * //22-05-2009// Ollie: Added links to Cathedral library file for v3.2 and v3.1.+
-===== CATH Releases =====+==== CATH classification data ====
-==== Version v3.4 ====+^ File name ^ Description ^ 
 +| cath-chain-list-<version>.txt          | Lists all of the PDB chain IDs in CATH, whether they are chopped into domains or not. | 
 +| cath-domain-boundaries-*-<version>.txt | Description of domain and segment boundaries for domains classified into CATH. | 
 +| cath-domain-description-file-<version>.txt | Description of each protein domain in CATH | 
 +| cath-domain-list-<S35%%%|%%S60%%|%%S95%%|%%S100%%|%%all>-<version>.txt | Lists of domains classified into CATH | 
 +| cath-domain-pdb-*-<version>.txt | Description of each domain PDB classified into CATH | 
 +| cath-names-<version>.txt             |Name description of each node in the CATH hierarchy, along with an example domain | 
 +| cath-superfamily-list-<version>.txt  | List of all the superfamilies in the CATH hierarchy | 
 +| cath-unclassified-list-<version>.txt | List of all unclassified protein chains and domains that are still being processed |
 +==== Non-redundant data sets ====
-^ Type         ^ Description                ^ Download (right-click and "Save as...")   ^ +
-| [[CathDomainPdb]]  | Library of chopped PDB files for representative CATH domains | [[ | CathDomainPdb.S35.tgz]] (220 M) | +
-| CathCathedral library  | Library of domain secondary structure graphs for CATHEDRAL for representative CATH domains | [[ | Class1-4.s35.cathedral.library]] (69 M)  | +
-|CathHmm       | HMM library file for CATH domains  | [[|hmmer.lib.gz]] (102 M) | +
-|CathHmm (+unclassified) | HMM library file for CATH domains (including those that are waiting to be classified)  | [[|hmmer.includingunclassifieddomains.lib.gz]] (131 M) | +
-| [[CathDomainDescriptionFile]]  |Full description of CATH domains | [[|CDDF]] (8.7 M) \\ | +
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in "domall" format  | [[|CathDomall]] (5.6 M) \\ | +
-|CathUnclassifiedList  |List of CATH domains that are waiting to be assigned  | [[|CathUnclassifiedList]] (1.3 M) \\ | +
-|Chains  |List of PDB chains in CATH  | [[|CathChainList]] (8.5 M) \\ | +
-|[[glossary:atom | Domain Sequences (ATOM) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on ATOM records in PDB)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.ATOM]] (22 M) \\ | +
-|[[glossary:combs | Domain Sequences (COMBS) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on COMBS sequence data)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.COMBS]] (22 M) \\ | +
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (9.1 M) \\ | +
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (192 K) \\ | +
-|Representative Domain Sequences (ATOM)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S100.ATOM]] (6.1 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.ATOM]] (1.6 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.ATOM]] (2.2 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.ATOM]] (2.9 M) \\ | +
-|Representative Domain Sequences (COMBS)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S100.COMBS]] (6.2 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.COMBS]] (1.6 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.COMBS]] (2.3 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.COMBS]] (3.0 M) \\ | +
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S100]] (2.6 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (0.7 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S60]] (1.0 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S95]] (1.4 M) \\ |+
 +^ File name ^ Description ^
 +| cath-dataset-nonredundant-S[20%%|%%40].atom.fa | The ATOM sequences of the domains in the dataset (which only contain residues that have ATOM records in the PDB file) |
 +| cath-dataset-nonredundant-S[20%%|%%40].fa | The sequences of the domains in the dataset |
 +| cath-dataset-nonredundant-S[20%%|%%40].list | A list of the domains in the dataset; one domain ID per line |
 +| cath-dataset-nonredundant-S[20%%|%%40].pdb.tgz | (A gzipped tar file containing) the PDB files of the domains in the data set |
-==== Version v3.3 ====+==== Sequence data ====
-Type         ^ Description                Download (right-click and &quot;Save as...&quot;)   ^ +File name ^ Description ^ 
-[[CathDomainPdb]]  | Library of chopped PDB files for representative CATH domains | [[ | CathDomainPdb.S35.tgz]] (220 M) +| cath-domain-seqs-*-&lt;version&gt;.fa Sequences for each CATH domain 
-CathCathedral library  | Library of domain secondary structure graphs for CATHEDRAL for representative CATH domains | [[ | Class1-4.s35.cathedral.library]] (69 M)  | +cath-S35-<version>-hmm3.lib.gz  | HMMs for each CATH representative domain from the sequence clusters at 35% sequence identity | 
-|CathHmm       | HMM library file for CATH domains  [[|hmmer.lib.gz]] (102 M) | +funfam-hmm3-<version>.lib.gz    HMMs for each functional family (FunFam) | 
-|CathHmm (+unclassified) | HMM library file for CATH domains (including those that are waiting to be classified)  | [[|hmmer.includingunclassifieddomains.lib.gz]] (131 M) | +cath-superfamily-seqs-&lt;superfamily&gt;-<version>;.fa | Sequences for each CATH superfamily in FASTA format |
-[[CathDomainDescriptionFile]]  |Full description of CATH domains | [[|CDDF]] (8.7 M) \\ | +
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in &quot;domall&quotformat  | [[|CathDomall]] (5.6 M) \\ | +
-|CathUnclassifiedList  |List of CATH domains that are waiting to be assigned  | [[|CathUnclassifiedList]] (1.3 M) \\ | +
-|Chains  |List of PDB chains in CATH  | [[|CathChainList]] (8.5 M) \\ | +
-|[[glossary:atom | Domain Sequences (ATOM) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on ATOM records in PDB)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.ATOM]] (22 M) \\ | +
-|[[glossary:combs | Domain Sequences (COMBS) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on COMBS sequence data)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.COMBS]] (22 M) \\ | +
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (9.1 M) \\ | +
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (192 K) \\ | +
-|Representative Domain Sequences (ATOM)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S100.ATOM]] (6.1 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.ATOM]] (1.6 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.ATOM]] (2.2 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.ATOM]] (2.9 M) \\ | +
-|Representative Domain Sequences (COMBS)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S100.COMBS]] (6.2 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.COMBS]] (1.6 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.COMBS]] (2.3 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.COMBS]] (3.0 M) \\ | +
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S100]] (2.6 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (0.7 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S60]] (1.0 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S95]] (1.4 M) \\ |+
-==== Version v3.2 ==== 
-^ Type         ^ Description                ^ Download (right-click and "Save as...")   ^ 
-| [[CathDomainPdb]]  | Library of chopped PDB files for representative CATH domains | [[ | CathDomainPdb.S35.tgz]] (206 M) \\  [[| CathDomainPdb.S60.tgz]] (291 M) | 
-| CathCathedral library  | Library of domain secondary structure graphs for CATHEDRAL for representative CATH domains | [[ | Class1-4.s35.cathedral.library]] (63 M)  | 
-|CathHmm       | HMM library file for CATH domains  | [[|hmmer.lib.gz]] (91 M) | 
-|CathHmm (+unclassified) | HMM library file for CATH domains (including those that are waiting to be classified)  | [[|hmmer.includingunclassifieddomains.lib.gz]] (118 M) | 
-| [[CathDomainDescriptionFile]]  |Full description of CATH domains | [[|CDDF]] (7.9 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in "domall" format  | [[|CathDomall]] (5.11 M) \\ | 
-|CathUnclassifiedList  |List of CATH domains that are waiting to be assigned  | [[|CathUnclassifiedList]] (1.09 M) \\ | 
-|Chains  |List of PDB chains in CATH  | [[|CathChainList]] (7.88 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:atom | Domain Sequences (ATOM) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on ATOM records in PDB)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.ATOM]] (19.92 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:combs | Domain Sequences (COMBS) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on COMBS sequence data)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.COMBS]] (20.33 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (8.47 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (177.48 K) \\ | 
-|Representative Domain Sequences (ATOM)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S100.ATOM]] (5.55 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.ATOM]] (1.44 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.ATOM]] (2.03 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.ATOM]] (2.69 M) \\ | 
-|Representative Domain Sequences (COMBS)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S100.COMBS]] (5.70 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.COMBS]] (1.48 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.COMBS]] (2.09 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.COMBS]] (2.76 M) \\ | 
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S100]] (2.31 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (658.02 K) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S60]] (911.06 K) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S95]] (1.22 M) \\ | 
-==== Version v3.1 ==== 
-^ Type         ^ Description                ^ Download (right-click and "Save as...")   ^ 
-| CathCathedral library  | Library of domain secondary structure graphs for CATHEDRAL for representative CATH domains | [[ | Class1-4.s35.cathedral.library]] (63 M)  | 
-| StructuralOverlap                     | A 'structural overlap matrix' giving information for all the structural overlaps between different folds in CATH  | [[|structural_overlap_matrix.dat]]  | 
-| StructuralDiversity                   | File of CATH superfamilies and number of structurally similar groups (SSGs) in those families. The number of SSG's are a measure of structural diversity.  | [[|structural_diversity_matrix.dat]]  | 
-| ArchitectureFunctionPopulation        | File giving functional information and population statistics for CATH architectures  | [[|architecture_goterms.dat]]  | 
-| [[CathDomainPdb]]  | Library of chopped PDB files for representative CATH domains  | [[ | CathDomainPdb.S35.tgz]] (183 M) \\  [[| CathDomainPdb.S60.tgz]] (245 M) | 
-|CathHmm       | HMM library file for CATH domains  | [[|hmmer.lib.gz]] (80 M) | 
-|CathHmm (+unclassified) | HMM library file for CATH domains (including those that are waiting to be classified) | [[|hmmer.includingunclassifieddomains.lib.gz]] (87 M) | 
-| [[CathDomainDescriptionFile]]  |Full description of CATH domains | [[|CDDF]] (103 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in "domall" format  | [[|CathDomall]] (3.87 M) \\ | 
-|CathUnclassifiedList  |List of CATH domains that are waiting to be assigned  | [[|CathUnclassifiedList]] (230.22 K) \\ | 
-|Chains  |List of PDB chains in CATH  | [[|CathChainList]] (6.21 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:atom | Domain Sequences (ATOM) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on ATOM records in PDB)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.ATOM]] (16.31 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:combs | Domain Sequences (COMBS) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on COMBS sequence data)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.COMBS]] (16.62 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (6.96 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (171.91 K) \\ | 
-|Representative Domain Sequences (ATOM)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S100.ATOM]] (4.53 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.ATOM]] (1.27 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.ATOM]] (1.71 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.ATOM]] (2.25 M) \\ | 
-|Representative Domain Sequences (COMBS)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S100.COMBS]] (4.64 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.COMBS]] (1.30 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.COMBS]] (1.76 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.COMBS]] (2.30 M) \\ | 
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S100]] (1.89 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (578.22 K) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S60]] (768.86 K) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S95]] (1.02 M) \\ | 
-==== Version v3.0 ==== 
-^ Type         ^ Description                ^ Download (right-click and "Save as...")   ^ 
-| [[CathDomainPdb]]  | Library of chopped PDB files for representative CATH domains  | [[ | CathDomainPdb.S35.tgz]] (183 M) \\  [[| CathDomainPdb.S60.tgz]] (237 M) | 
-|CathHmm       | HMM library file for CATH domains  | [[|hmmer.lib.gz]] (79 M) | 
-| [[CathDomainDescriptionFile]]  |Full description of CATH domains | [[|CDDF]] (91 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in "domall" format  | [[|CathDomall]] (3.52 M) \\ | 
-|CathUnclassifiedList  |List of CATH domains that are waiting to be assigned  | [[|CathUnclassifiedList]] (138.45 K) \\ | 
-|Chains  |List of PDB chains in CATH  | [[|CathChainList]] (5.30 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:atom | Domain Sequences (ATOM) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on ATOM records in PDB)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.ATOM]] (14.93 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:combs | Domain Sequences (COMBS) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on COMBS sequence data)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.COMBS]] (15.20 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (6.39 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (176.46 K) \\ | 
-|Representative Domain Sequences (ATOM)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.ATOM]] (1.28 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.ATOM]] (1.65 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.ATOM]] (2.12 M) \\ | 
-|Representative Domain Sequences (COMBS)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.COMBS]] (1.31 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S60.COMBS]] (1.69 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.COMBS]] (2.17 M) \\ | 
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S100]] (1.77 M) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (581.69 K) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S60]] (743.07 K) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S95]] (966.06 K) \\ | 
-==== Version v2.6 ==== 
-^ Type         ^ Description                ^ Download (right-click and "Save as...")   ^ 
-| [[CathDomainDescriptionFile]]  |Full description of CATH domains | [[|CDDF]] (67 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in "domall" format  | [[|CathDomall]] (1.83 M) \\ | 
-|CathUnclassifiedList  |List of CATH domains that are waiting to be assigned  | [[|CathUnclassifiedList]] (571.26 K) \\ | 
-|Chains  |List of PDB chains in CATH  | [[|CathChainList]] (1.01 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:atom | Domain Sequences (ATOM) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on ATOM records in PDB)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.ATOM]] (11.66 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:combs | Domain Sequences (COMBS) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on COMBS sequence data)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.COMBS]] (11.83 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (4.03 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (119.82 K) \\ | 
-|Representative Domain Sequences (ATOM)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.ATOM]] (981.27 K) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.ATOM]] (1.66 M) \\ | 
-|Representative Domain Sequences (COMBS)  |FASTA sequence database for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.S35.COMBS]] (1.00 M) \\  [[|CathDomainSeqs.S95.COMBS]] (1.69 M) \\ | 
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (361.30 K) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S95]] (611.79 K) \\ | 
-==== Version v2.5 ==== 
-^ Type         ^ Description                ^ Download (right-click and "Save as...")   ^ 
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in "domall" format  | [[|CathDomall]] (1.04 M) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:atom | Domain Sequences (ATOM) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on ATOM records in PDB)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.ATOM]] (8.56 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (2.00 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (105.70 K) \\ | 
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (187.16 K) \\  [[|CathDomainList.S95]] (349.04 K) \\ | 
-==== Version v2.4 ==== 
-^ Type         ^ Description                ^ Download (right-click and "Save as...")   ^ 
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in "domall" format  | [[|CathDomall]] (824.58 K) \\ | 
-|CathUnclassifiedList  |List of CATH domains that are waiting to be assigned  | [[|CathUnclassifiedList]] (101.81 K) \\ | 
-|Chains  |List of PDB chains in CATH  | [[|CathChainList]] (368.83 K) \\ | 
-|[[glossary:atom | Domain Sequences (ATOM) ]]  |FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on ATOM records in PDB)  | [[|CathDomainSeqs.ATOM]] (6.03 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (1.59 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (67.11 K) \\ | 
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (152.30 K) \\ | 
-==== Version v2.0 ==== 
-^ Type         ^ Description                ^ Download (right-click and "Save as...")   ^ 
-| [[CathDomall]]  |Domain boundaries for each PDB Chain in "domall" format  | [[|CathDomall]] (633.35 K) \\ | 
-|Chains  |List of PDB chains in CATH  | [[|CathChainList]] (308.35 K) \\ | 
-| [[CathDomainList]]  |List of assigned CATH domains  | [[|CathDomainList]] (1.27 M) \\ | 
-| [[CathNames]]  |List of manually assigned names of CATH classification nodes  | [[|CathNames]] (59.65 K) \\ | 
-|Representatives  |List of CATH representative domains (representing clusters at different levels of sequence identity)  | [[|CathDomainList.S35]] (124.08 K) \\ | 