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glossary:index [2015/08/17 18:33]
sillitoe old revision restored (2015/08/17 19:23)
glossary:index [2015/08/17 21:17] (current)
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 ====== Glossary ====== ====== Glossary ======
-Here is a list of useful terms and definitions in CATH and general structural biology.+Here is a list of terms and definitions for CATH and structural biology in general.
-Please click on the item of interest to get further information. This glossary will continue to grow as more terms and definitions are added. +Click on the item of interest to get further information.
- +
 ===== Alpha Helix ===== ===== Alpha Helix =====
 ===== Beta Sheet ===== ===== Beta Sheet =====
 ===== Mixed Structure ===== ===== Mixed Structure =====
 +===== Structural Terms ===== 
 +===== Classification Terms ===== 
-===== Other Related Terms =====+===== Other Miscellaneous Terms =====
-{{topic>classification&notags&desc}} +{{topic>other&noheader&notags&nodesc&nodate&nouser}}
-{{topic>structure&notags&desc}} +