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playground:test [2014/04/09 18:23]
playground:test [2014/04/09 18:25] (current)
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 Looks like: Looks like:
-<jsmol 2pfsA01 :tutorials:2pfsA01_1wkbA01.pdb.gz 400 400> +<jsmol jsmolid :tutorials:2pfsA01_1wkbA01.pdb.gz 400 400> 
-Jmol.jmolButton( "2pfsA01", "cartoon on; cpk off; wireframe off; select *A; color lightblue; select 2-13:A, 14-32:A, 33-53:A, 63-67:A, 68-78:A, 79-93:A, 94-107:A, 108-116:A, 127-136:A, 137-145:A; color blue; select *B; color pink; select 33-44:B, 50-68:B, 74-84:B, 123-126:B, 128-138:B, 140-154:B, 527-540:B, 604-612:B, 616-625:B, 635-643:B; color red", "Click here" );+Jmol.jmolButton( "jsmolid", "cartoon on; cpk off; wireframe off; select *A; color lightblue; select 2-13:A, 14-32:A, 33-53:A, 63-67:A, 68-78:A, 79-93:A, 94-107:A, 108-116:A, 127-136:A, 137-145:A; color blue; select *B; color pink; select 33-44:B, 50-68:B, 74-84:B, 123-126:B, 128-138:B, 140-154:B, 527-540:B, 604-612:B, 616-625:B, 635-643:B; color red", "Click here" );
 </jsmol> </jsmol>
-<jmol 2pfsA01 :tutorials:2pfsA01_1wkbA01.pdb.gz 400 400>+<jmol jmolid :tutorials:2pfsA01_1wkbA01.pdb.gz 400 400>
 </jmol> </jmol>