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tutorials:eccb_t2_diverge [2012/09/07 16:02]
tutorials:eccb_t2_diverge [2012/09/07 16:47] (current)
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 We want to analyse the GAPDH family. We want to analyse the GAPDH family.
-Dowload the following files, unzip them and load them into Diverge2:+Dowload the following files (alignment and 3D structure), unzip them and load them into Diverge2:
    * {{|}}    * {{|}}
-   * {{|}}+   * {{|}} 
 +In the "Clustering" tab, select "NJ Tree-Making", "Kimura" method (but you can also produce a tree with ML methods and load it). 
 +  * Click on the node at the basis of group C, and reroot the tree. 
 +  * Click on the node at the basis of group C, and "Add cluster" => Name "GapC". 
 +  * Click on the node at the basis of group A, and "Add cluster" => Name "GapA". 
 +In the "Gu99" tab, click on calculate. Could take time. It produce the score for the original Type I of functional divergence. 
 +In the "Gu2001" tab, click on calculate. Could take time. It produce the score for an updated Type I of functional divergence. 
 +In the "Type II Divergene" tab, click on calculate. Could take time. It produce the score for the  Type II of functional divergence. 
 +When you click on a column, you can visualise the posterior probability per site. 
 +The visualisation on the multiple seems to cause the program to crash. So use Jalview instead. 