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-===== Practical =======+===== Practical ======
 +=== Introduction ===
--- Part I on amino acids dataset:+The presentation is available here:
-  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_badasp | BADASP ]] +{{|}}
-  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_tdg09 | TDG09 ]] +
-  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_fundi | FunDi ]] +
-  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_diverge Diverge ]]+
--- Part II on nucleotides dataset:+=== Useful tools ===
-  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_codeml | Codeml / PAML ]]+Jalview: [[]] 
 +(It could be better to increase the memory allocated to java: ) 
 +PyMOL: [[]] 
 +(or [[]]) 
 +NJplot: [[]] 
 +=== Part I on amino acids dataset: === 
 +  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_badasp | BADASP: Analysis of the V-type proton ATPase 116 kDa subunit a gene family ]] (Linux / MacOSX / Windows) 
 +  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_tdg09 | TDG09: Analysis of the Hemagglutinin HA1 chain]] (Linux / MacOSX / Windows) 
 +  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_fundi | FunDi: Analysis of the GAPDH ]] (Linux / MacOSX) 
 +  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_diverge | Diverge 2: Analysis of the GAPDH ]] (Windows) 
 +===  Part II on nucleotides dataset:=== 
 +  * [[tutorials:ECCB_T2_codeml | Codeml / PAML: Detection of positive selection in the serine/threonine-protein kinase gene family ]] (Linux / MacOSX / Windows)