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tutorials:eccb_t2_tdg09 [2012/09/08 16:20]
tutorials:eccb_t2_tdg09 [2012/09/08 16:26] (current)
Line 31: Line 31:
 The output is put in the file tdg.out. The output is put in the file tdg.out.
 We need to transform it with some unix tools (the four lines are one unique command): We need to transform it with some unix tools (the four lines are one unique command):
-(/!\ These Unix tools need Cygwin to work in Windows /!\+(/!\ These Unix tools need Cygwin to work in Windows /!\ If you don't have Cygwin, you can continue the tutorial by skip the R part. The sites are given at the end).
 <code> <code>
Line 68: Line 68:
 Put a vertical line a the root of the tree to split the tree in two. Put a vertical line a the root of the tree to split the tree in two.
-=> Visualise the position of these sites+=> Visualise the position of these sites.