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tutorials:mali_tutorial [2015/09/22 14:07]
hafsa old revision restored (2015/09/22 14:48)
tutorials:mali_tutorial [2015/09/22 14:07] (current)
hafsa [A Short Introduction to CATH and Gene3D]
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 Each level has a **CATH code** associated with it. Have a look at the following: Each level has a **CATH code** associated with it. Have a look at the following:
 In this example, the CATH code for the domain 1tsrB00 is The **2** refers to the class to which the domain belongs (mainly beta), the **2.60** refers to the architecture, the **2.60.40** refers to the actual fold (topology) the domain adopts and **** is the homologous superfamily code. In this example, the CATH code for the domain 1tsrB00 is The **2** refers to the class to which the domain belongs (mainly beta), the **2.60** refers to the architecture, the **2.60.40** refers to the actual fold (topology) the domain adopts and **** is the homologous superfamily code.