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tutorials:testing [2012/08/31 13:08]
cuff created
tutorials:testing [2012/08/31 13:22] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
 jmolButton( "cartoon on; cpk off; wireframe off; select *A; color blue; select *B; color red; select *C; color green; select *D; color yellow; select hetero; wireframe on; cpk 50%; color purple; select 6; cartoon off; cpk 60%; color white", "Click here" ); jmolButton( "cartoon on; cpk off; wireframe off; select *A; color blue; select *B; color red; select *C; color green; select *D; color yellow; select hetero; wireframe on; cpk 50%; color purple; select 6; cartoon off; cpk 60%; color white", "Click here" );
 </jmol> </jmol>