The testing plugin is enabled and should be disabled.

This is an old revision of the document!

cd ./Tutorial/tdg09  # Folder of installation

Lauch TDG09 with this command (it takes time (20 minutes or more)):

./ etc/H1.faa etc/H1.tree > tdg.out

The output is put in the file tdg.out. We need to transform it with some unix tools:

grep "Site\|Parameters\|Log\-likelihood" tdg.out | tr '\n' ' ' | sed "s/Site: /\\`echo -e '\n\r'`/g" | awk '{$1=$1}1' OFS=" " | cut -d' ' -f1,4,7,10,13 > tdg2.out

Now, we need to load this file tdg2.out into R

# Launch R


And put these commands:

tdg.out <- read.csv('tdg2.out', sep=' ', header=F)                                               # Load file
tdg.out <- tdg.out[!$V2),]                                                          # Remove conserved sites
tdg.out$lrt <- pchisq(2 * (tdg.out$V5 - tdg.out$V3), df=(tdg.out$V4 - tdg.out$V2), lower.tail=F) # Perform likelihood test
tdg.out$fdr <- tdg.out$lrt * length(tdg.out$lrt) / rank(tdg.out$lrt)                             # Get false discovery rate (FDR)
tdg.out[tdg.out$fdr < 0.20, "V1"]             # Print all sites under FDR=20% (very relaxed)
tdg.out[tdg.out$fdr < 0.05, "V1"]             # Print all sites under FDR=5% (medium) 
tdg.out[tdg.out$fdr < 0.01, "V1"]             # Print all sites under FDR=1% (stringent) 
 [1]   2   9  62 130 155 168 169 173 177 202 203 204 212 239 252 253 275 276 286
[20] 289 300 303 315 325 416 421 460 471

== Jalview Load multiple alignment: H1.faa (you will need to remove the first line, as it is in Phylip format. ⇒ Sort by ID.

Load tree: H1.tree Put a vertical line a the root of the tree to split the tree in two.

⇒ Visualise the position of these sites
